Leading Economies, Collapse and Rise.
History repeats itself, there is nothing new under the sun. This concept applies to the world most powerful nations as well, for since the age of men, civilizations rose to power for a time, then collapsed. From the Persians to the romans via the Greek empire, we are not short of examples regarding that fact. This very same outcome is about to be unveiled in our present age, with powers such as the United States and the European Union, whose domination in the world of economics has already been challenged by nations such as China, India, or Brazil. Here is the top 10 leading economies of 2050, provided with estimates of GDP values at Purchasing Power Parity.
The World Most Powerful Economies 2050.
Number 10, Germany, Slow growth.
The German economy has an unbelievable story, having strongly recovered from world wars, surpassing the economies of other powerful European nations such as the UK, France or Spain. In 2014, the German economy was ranked at the 5th position, with a GDP of 3.6 Trillion USD. By 2050, this number is projected to almost double, but since other nations will beat the German to the race, they will drop by 5 spots in the list, reaching the 10th position. Such ranking is not so dramatic in comparison to other European powers, on their way to be expelled among leading economies.
Number 9, Nigeria, Reaching Milestones.
Africa’s strongest economy is growing at a fast pace, with an increasing number of opportunities for investments. Although the issue of Boko Haram is still to be dealt with, the country has managed to reach the 20th spot of the 2014 Top 20 leading economies, with a GDP growth rate of 6.3 percent. The future looks promising for Nigeria, since its economy is projected to hit the 9th spot in the global economy ranking by 2050, with a GDP of more than 7 Trillion USD, (present day figure of the Indian Economy, ranked third in the world). The biggest challenge in order to achieve this goal will be the diversification of their economy which is a little bit dominated by oil revenues.
Number 8, Russia, Recession Hit.
Hitting the 6th spot in 2014 with a GDP of 3.5 Trillion USD, the Russian economy has been performing not so well so far, with a giant Gas empire and tremendous reserves of precious metals, Russia’s economy by 2050 although reaching an astonishing figure of 7.5 Trillion USD, will drop at the 8th spot. The current challenge Russia is facing at the moment is the recession of their economy, which is partially the result of western sanctions due to invading Crimea. Thus, this projection is likely to decline unless the Russian find alternative ways to relaunch the growth of their economy.
Number 7, Japan, Chaotic Recession.
The land of the rising sun has been going through a tough slope, struggling to definitively come out of recession. Within the next 35 years, nothing really big is expected of the Japanese economy, scoring a GDP of 4.7 Trillion USD in 2014, to just hit a figure of nearly 8 Trillion USD by 2050. This projected number, if reachable, can only be achieved if they manage to stimulate their present economy, dominated by the Vehicle Industry as well as Technology.
Number 6, Mexico, Getting there slowly.
The second leading economy of Latin America, just behind Brazil has known period of growth, reaching 2.1 Percent during the first half of 2015. With a present purchasing power parity of 2 Trillion USD, the former Aztec empire is about to hit the number 6 spot by 2050, quadrupling its 2014 figure with a tremendous 8 Trillion USD GDP. The known struggle of Mexico is the expansion of Drug cartels, which are in an open war against government forces. With such an expansion of drug dealing networks, it is really hard to foresee what will be their impact on the future economy of Mexico.
Number 5, Brazil, Cruising but…
With a population of 203 million people, Brazil has known a golden age under the leadership of Luis Iniacio Lula Da Silva, despite the turmoil of the 2008 economic crisis. Although his successor has yet to prove she can lead Brazil towards further milestones, there is no doubt the Latin American nation will rank among the top economies in the near future. With a present GDP of 3 Trillion USD, they will by 2050 reach 9 Trillion USD, tripling their 2014 value.
Number 4, Indonesia, out of nowhere!
Most of you never thought of this nation as being able to crack the top 5 of 2050, but indeed, at the rate their economy is quickly growing, they will! A greater surprise is to see them surpass the UK in 2014 in terms of GDP at purchasing power parity, with a net value of 2.5 Trillion USD. This number will be 6 times higher 34 years from now, with an incredible 12.2 Trillion USD. Surprisingly, only 16 Percent of the population has access to the internet. Therefore, should they increase access to this vital factor for any economy, they will surely exceed expectations, securing their rank among leading economies by 2050.
Number 3, United States, Slowly losing it!
With a GDP of 17 trillion USD in 2014, America is not in so much of a bad shape in comparison to European powers who have clearly been demoted beyond the G10. Yet, leading the world economy for centuries, America is projected to give up its current 2nd place to India in 2050, (yes, that’s right, China took over in 2014). They will surely double their GDP purchasing power parity to 41 Trillion USD in 2050, although there is rumor that another economic crisis is expected to hit, influencing that figure for sure.
Number 2, India, Running towards it!
India is now the 3rd largest economy in the world, with a population of more than 1.1 billion people, whose majority are believed to still live in a state of poverty. This sole factor will be the biggest challenge for India in the next decades, in order to surpass its awesome 7 Percent average growth over the past years. With a 2015 GDP at 8.5 Trillion USD, in 2050, India is expected to be ahead of the United States of America, with an astonishing GDP figure of 42 Trillion USD.
Number 1, China, Unreachable, too fast!
China dominates the world’s economy with a two digits average growth of more than 10 Percent over the last 30 years. It is clear that such growing pace is only expected to help the country reach incredible heights, stretching out beyond any economy in the world over the next decades. With a GDP of 19 Trillion USD in 2015, Asia’s giant is projected to reach the 60 trillion USD mark in 2050, securing its number 1 spot among the world leading economies for centuries at this rate.
The post Top 10 Leading economies of 2050 appeared first on The Wise Observer.